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Saturday 30 November 2013

Zee Rishtey Award 2013 Full Precap

Friday 29 November 2013

Rajat Tokas and Paridhi About Zee Rishtey Award

Rajat Tokas was clearly tense on the eve of his first live show "I don't know how I will screw up, but if I do I will do so royally," he laughed a tad hysterically. He took comfort in the fact that as a emperor Akbar he as been riding horses. "And elephants are easier to mount than horse. Horses don't keep still and elephants don't move," he laughed. Seeing the jumbo that was waiting to be mounted by her King, Paridhi (Jodha) Sharma said she had no regrets missing out on the royal entrance Akbar would be making the show "I am happier on my feet, Thank you."

Thursday 28 November 2013

TRP 3rd week of November

TRP 3rd week of November

SaraswatiChandra - 29th November 2013 Written Update

Saraswatichandra 29th November 2013 Written Episode

The Episode starts with Pramad and Kumud applying haldi to Kusum. Pramad says I wish everything happens by your wish and happiness. Kumud hugs Kusum and says don’t worry, that will happen that has your happiness. Pannaben asks Pramad to apply haldi to Kumud also, as its good. Saras looks on standing far. Pramad starts coughing and says I think I forgot to take my medicines. Pannaben asks Kumud to take Pramad to his room and give him medicines. Kalika looks at them. Kumud brings Pramad to his room and Pramad says I m fine Kumud, I don’t need medicines, I did not wish to apply haldi to you, so I did this, Saras has the right to do so. Kumud gives him medicines and says call me if you need anything. Pramad says you did not wear the saree, I understand.

He stops her and says I don’t find Kusum happy with this proposal. I m seeing her upset and lonely. Kumud says nothing like that, she is fine. Pramad says maybe you are right. Kumud leaves. Saras asks Kumud what should we do now. Saras says we have to tell this to everyone. Kumud says I will talk to mum. He says I will talk to Vidyachatur, its Lord’s sign to unite Danny and Kusum. Kalika comes and says Kumud, Guniyal is calling you. Saras says I will come in the evening and leaves. Kalika smiles and says you have to come in the evening as lightning is going to strike you.

Guniyal scolds Kusum and says what were you doing, you wanted to tell Kumud that you wanted to share her love. Kumud will never forgive you. She puts water on Kusum and says look at me, and tell me did you tell me whom you love. Kusum says I did not tell her anything. Guniyal says you have to be silent, Kumud loves Saras, she will sacrifice everything for her and not Saras. Kusum says even I can’t sacrifice my love. Guniyal puts more water on her and says the family will break, think about your sister, can you see her crying, remember and understand that he can’t be yours. Kumud comes there and sees Guniyal and Kusum talking.

Kumud sees Kusum crying and asks what are you doing mum. She says you taught us to respect ourselves, then how will she live without happiness. Guniyal says Kusum has to think about others. Kumud takes Kusum’s side and says now we know she loves someone else. Guniyal says do you know whom she loves. Kumud says yes, and she should marry the one she loves. Guniyal and Kusum are shocked. Badimaa comes and asks Guniyal to stop it. Guniyal says you take her inside, I will come. Badimaa takes Kusum with her. Kumud tells Guniyal we can’t do this with Kusum. It will be a cheat with Mohan. Guniyal says does Saras knows this. Kumud says yes, he told me this and he wants Kusum to be happy. Guniyal misunderstands Kumud and says give me some time to think.

She says don’t talk to anyone till I tell you. Guniyal leaves. Kumud says what should I tell to Saras now. Saras comes to Kumud and helps her in work. He asks did you talk. She says yes. He says what did she say. Kumud says mum won’t agree easily. Saras says yes, its not easy, they think its a joke, they told us two days before. Kumud says yes. Saras asks how is Kusum. Kumud says she is sad and tensed. What about Danny. Saras says he is also tensed. Kumari calls Kumud and says you have to sit with Pramad in the ritual. Kumud looks at Saras. Saras says you go for the ritual and leaves.

Guniyal comes to Kusum and says are you angry on me, but you should be happy, your Didi is giving you what you want. Guniyal says you are taking Kumud’s happiness, Saras is ready to hold Kumud’s hand and you are asking for his hand. She says I will not be happy with this, think about this, how can you live happily by killing Kumud’s happiness. Vidyachatur comes and talks to them. He says I got two pearls in my daughters and I m getting good son in laws too. Guniyal leaves with Vidyachatur. Kusum cries. Kumud is thinking about Kusum and thinks how to stop this ritual.

Pramad comes to Kumud and sees her tensed. He says where is Saras, everyone are calling you and Saras, as he would be doing the ritual with you, as its for those who are made for each other. Saras holds the Chakri that Kusum has to take it outside. Kusum says I will take it. Saras says tell me where to keep it. Kusum says you don’t know, leave it. Kumud says if you think about me, why don’t you give me divorce. Pramad says I still have hope to be with you. I want to die in your presence and give you happiness. Saras tells Kusum that he knows everything as Danny has told him everything. Kusum says I did not do it purposely, Kumud’s happiness matters to me. Saras says even Kumud thinks about you, so Kumud and I are ready for this relation. Pramad tells Kumud that I know only Saras has right on you, some, everyone are waiting. Pramad leaves.

Badimaa comes to Kumud and says come soon, Pannaben is waiting, Kumud says with whom should I do this ritual. Badimaa says sometimes we have to do these rituals for the world, as we have to compromise. Kusum misunderstands Saras and his words. Danny comes and says I will take this chakri. Saras asks Danny to be careful, and Kumud will talk to everyone after the guests leave. Danny tells Kusum be patient, its happening what we want.

Danny and Kusum bring the Chakri in the hall. Mahan looks at them. Kusum sits for the ritual. Saras comes there. Everyone looks on. Pannaben asks Mohan to sit beside Kusum. Mohan comes and sits beside Kusum with a smile. Saras looks at Kumud. Pannaben asks Pramad to sit with Kumud. Kumud looks at him and Saras.

Kumud tells Kusum that Danny will keep you happy. Kusum says I don’t love Danny. Kumud says then whom do you love. Kusum says Saras….. (Bitchy Kusum!!) Kumud looks shocked. 

Qubool Hai - 29th November 2013 Written Updates

Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Razia is shocked to find badi bi behind her and wonders who’s the other burqa clad woman. Badi bi asks who is she talking to alone and one sided. she turns back to see the person, but finds no one and is shocked. razia retaliates her by asking what was she doing in her room and roaming at this time in the night. Badi bi says that she was searching for a servant to fix the heater in her room, but didnt find him anywhere. she asks razia whats the matter. She is frustrated and goes inside. Badi bi thinks that she has gone mad.

Someone comes in humaira’s room and sleeps by her side. she thinks that its nuzrat and tells her to go to sleep. as she senses something unusual about her hair, she wakes up with a startling scream. She is thoroughly tensed, as the person lights up the lighter and reveals his face in its light. She throws away her sheet, and runs outside scared that its a thief whio entered the room. She asks them to call the police. meanwhile, all are tensed as that person walks out from the room, and makes his entry in the drawing room. He is about to speak, when mamu jaan silences him, and taking him by the collar, he asks him if he even knows whose house he has stepped in. he asks razia to call the police so that they can take him away. He says that he wont do that even after the police comes, as he has come to stay here, and not leave. All are baffled. shirin asks what kind of a mean person he is, that he entered and now wants to stay here. The person says that he isnt BADMAASH but he does have plans to stay here in this beautiful house, and though they maynt express it, they too would love a handsome hunk inside the house. He identifies himself as haider to mamujaan, while all are tensed, and especially waves at Humaira, who is disgusted and disturbed at his mere sight. Mamu identifies the man as his business partner and he complies. Mamujaan apologises, while shirin expresses that he’s too young than what they expected. Mamu asks what was he doing in humaira’s room. He says that his flight arrived early and he didnt want to tense them, hence went straight to his room, which got mixed up somehow. Mamu asks him not to feel bad and shows him his room. as humaira angrily passes by, her says sorry twice. sahe asks why. He says that he has done once, but wants to repeat it again, hence the double apology. She is irritated and leaves, while he eyes her naughtily.

The next morning, Razia while serving the brewakfast, starts presuming Haider to be the culprit scaring her. But he asks her not to be tensed, as he wass joking. haiuder apologises for last night. Rashid comes and says that he wouldnt have let him stay somewhere else. He compliments his accomplishments at such a ayoung age. haider says that sometimes a litle pace is needed. they hug and greet each other. Rashid says that he was surprised to notice how young he was. humaira comes, and haider excuses himself, and goes on to meet her. He tries to initiate a conversation, but humaira doesnt pay any atention to him . he apologises again for last night. Humaira passes by. rashid asks her to be courteous and forgive him. She asks what does it matter, as people first ask for forgiveness, and then do what they feel like, then why bother. She asks haider also to let be. haider is confused and preplexed. rashid covers up saying that she is tensed. He is about to tell haider, but he says that he knows that he must have struck a wrong cord. haider says that he believes he would come, as noone can stay away from this beautiful house and a beautiful future. razia eyes him sternly.

Scene 2:
Location: Asad’s residence
As zoya is waiting anxiously, zoya opens the dor and greets him. Asad too hugs her tightly. She says that even his phone wasnt getting throug, and she was concerned for him, and was waiting. Zoya asks if he should get her coffee. She is shocked, while asad asks her where’s dilshad, and when she doesnt find an answer, he asks if she has gone out. Zoya tels him that she has gone to his father. he is shocked and distraught too. Asad reminds about his condition, and is shocked that dilshad chose her husband over her son, making him win over asad once again, and that man ruined everything, hie life, his childhood, and today took away his mother too. Zoya tries to make her understand that rashid isnt a bad person, and he is good at heart, and it was their choice to live together after all. Asad asks her to stop siding him, as she knows what kind of a person he is. He asks why didnt she stop her. Zoya says that she couldnt as it was dilshad’s descision. asad says that this was an emotional descision, which she took out of being in false promises by her husband. he says that he just wants to know why didnt she stop dilshad. Zoya says that she didnt because she didnt want to. He is tensed and pins her against the wall, while she continues pleading. He asks her if he heard right. he starts banging his hand against the wall, and then breaks into tears, scaring a trapped zoya. zoya says that she just wanted to support dilshad, as she really had taken the descision of wanting to go there. Asad leaves.

Asad wakes up in the night, to find ayan standing in the balcony. he hugs him tightly. Ayan asks why is this happening. asad says that he knows what he is going throug, and asks where is he going with the bags. Ayan says that he has taken a descision. asads insists on knowing it. just then, he wakes up and realises that he had beenm dreaming all along. He puts on the net, and finds a video mail from ayan, saying that he knows that he should have met him, before taking this descision, but he was too ternsed to do it. He says that rashid completely broke his faith, and hence he has decided to go far away, from home, from him and from even himself. He says that asad knows when he was leaving the house, he didnt even look back, as had he looked back, he would have seen humaira, and he wouldnt have been able to go. he asks asad not to worry for him, as he would be safe and secure. he says that he wants to forget things for some time. he says that he just wants to say, that he would always talk to him come what may, and bids his final goodbye. asad thinks that everything is breaking, first dilshad left him and now ayan. He thinks that they dont have any reason to stay here now.

The next morning, Asad is packing his bags, which makes zoya ask if he’s going somewhere, as he just retruned last night. He says that he is, but not alone, she too is going with him. she asks where. He answers that they are moving to New York forever. zoya is shocked to hear this. the screen freezes on her face.

Precap: Zoya promotes the Rishtey awards, for Zee tv.

Jodha Akbar - 29th November 2013 Written Update

Jodha Akbar 29th November 2013 Written Episode

Scene 1
adham is taking massage when someone throws stone at him, he ask soldier to see who is doing that but then himself goes out to check, its non other than tasnim who is trying to catch kite from tree. He comes to her, moti and jodha sees him with her, he ask tasnim why you threw stone at me, she says i was just trying to get my kite, he says i will help you, tasnim is reluctant, but he holds her from back and lifts her and ask to get the kite, tasnim says she dont want it, he leaves her, tasnim runs. Jodha says to moti that you were right adham has wrong intention.

Scene 2
jalal is playing chess with ruks, she ask him that why you are not concentrating on game? Jalal says my mind is stuck in politics, after sharif sudden dissappearance many states are without ministers. Ruks says dont appoint one person for all four states if they are outsider, just break power and divide it into different man and those who dont share good rapport with each other so they will not stand against you. Jalal says you are good at politics, i will also discuss with maham, ruks says she will suggest adham’s name, he is not competent, he is not able to do ministry of malwa, jalal says he is a good soldier, ruks says but for a minister cool mind is needed which adham dont have. She says maham loves you but not more than adham, jalal ask her not say a word against bari ami she agrees. He defeats her in chess, ruks says i want you to win every battle.

Scene 3
Maham is discussing with resham about her interests in politics And how Ruks is against Adham, According to Maham Adham is best suited for the 4 states nagor mewar surta ajmer Etc
IN court Jalal then selects husain quili for nagor as suggested by Adka khan, Jalal misses Adham in the court, he orders Adka khan to find out why was he absent
In his room Adham is dreaming of Tasnim.. Maham reminds him of his duties but he does not move
Adka khan then receives orders him to nominate the names than Adka khan tells him jalal selects ministers
Resham then informs Maham that Jalal had given away all the four ministry to others and none to Adham
Maham is furious that Jalal had taken a decision with out consulting her she feels insulted

Scene 4
jodha prays to kahna, moti ask what are you thinking, jodha says i am thinking about adham, tasnim is very young even then adham has eye on her, its only about thinking. Moti says it is in fate of women and we servants have to bear this as a women. Jodha says but i am queen and i will not let this happen, moti says no i wont let you do that, adham is very powerful, he will take revenge. Jodha says i am a queen if he is powerful then i am also powerful, its my duty to save, i am going, moti ask her where are you going, jodha says she is going to tasnim house, moti says she will also as she is her servant. They comes to tasnim’s house and tell everything to tasnim’s mother but she says that adham has done alot for us, he has given job to tasnim’s father and gave beautiful necklace to tasnim. Jodha ask for these things you will give away tasnim, she says we are small people we cant do anything, we have raised tasnim but we cant do anything as adham is a great man and we will follow him. Tasnim says she dont like adham at all, he grabed her from her back, her mother ask her to shut and jodha to go.

Scene 5
jodha turns and sees adham standing, hes is stunned, adham greets her and says it doesnt suite a queen to be here, jodha says it even doesnt suite prince then why are you here, adham says he wanted to listen to poor people’s problem, jodha then i also came to listen to the people if they have any problem with shahi people. Adham ask meaning jodha says you very well the meaning but let me tell you that i will crush your dreams. Jodha leaves. Adham comes to tasnim’s mother, she calls out tasnim, tasnim comes out with fear, adham ask what jodha tell them, her mother tell him everything, he is furious that jodha is sneaking into his matters but ask mother to at night today with tasnim as he has something important to tell, mother agrees, he gifts tasnim kite and leaves. Tasnim breaks the kite.

Scene 6
maham is shouting on resham that my government is being snatched from me, and the person who is doing that is non other than jalal, i think he is not trusting me anymore, he didnt include me in jodha’s secret and now he has decided ministry about 5 states but he didnt ask for my suggestions as cheif minister. She ask pen and paper, she writes a letter to jalal and ask resham to take this to jalal now. He obliges.

Precap: Jodha confronts Jalal and asks him if a man had the rights to forcefully marry a girl with out her consent .??. Could he force her to marry him even if she was unwilling or hated him .??. Would he use his powerful position or his influence to force her parents to forcefully marry the girl to him ?? Even if he knows she might hate him all her life !! Jalal is surprised But Jodha demands his reply/opinion, she says for realtions to make there should not be force but love

SaraswatiChandra - 28th November 2013 Written Update

 SaraswatiChandra - 28th November 2013 Written Update
The Episode starts with Kusum getting mad thinking about Saras. She writes Saras’s name all over the wedding card over Mohan’s name. She hears someone coming and tears the card. Pramad comes to her and she hides the pieces of the card. He says you here, everyone are waiting for your haldi. Saras comes to Kumud with a gift for her. She says I m hungry. He says even me. Pramad explains Kumud to think over again and if she has any doubt then don’t marry. Kusum says what do you mean. He says when relations break, it pains a lot, look at me and Kumud. We got married, but she still loves Saras. Kusum takes Kumud’s side and says Kumud married you to keep up the marriage but you made her lose. He says even I could not win, so don’t play games with life where everyone has to lose, think again as life is valuable and we get it only once. Kusum says lets go, everyone are waiting.

Saras opens the gift and touches the clothes which he brought for her. Saras says sorry Kumud, I know our relation is unbreakable but don’t know why I got so much angry on Pramad. Kumud smiles and he gives her the gift She accepts it. She says its difficult for me as it is for you, don’t be annoyed with me, what will I do, support me, don’t go away from me. He says Kumud, I m always with you. Guniyal is worried about Kusum. Kusum runs in the corridor crying. Danny sees her and goes after her. He asks her why are you crying. She says I don’t want to marry, I don’t know what to do. Danny says stop crying first. He says are you sure about this. She says yes, you were right. Danny misunderstands and says don’t worry, I will talk to Saras and you talk to Kumud, everything will be fine, I wanted to know whats in your heart, now I will take care of everything. He asks her to smile and she smiles.

Guniyal comes to Kusum and asks her to get ready and come as everyone are waiting. Kumud comes with Saras and says I got a new saree, I will wear this in Kusum’s wedding. Kumari likes it. She takes it from Kumud and runs. Kumud says I won’t give you this. Kumud asks Kalika where are you going and what are you hiding. Kalika says nothing. Kumud asks Kalika not to go near Pramad and scolds her for taking wine for him. Kalika says I can’t think of bringing wine in this house. Pramad comes there and takes the parcel from Kalika’s hand.

Kumud taunts him saying I can’t trust you. He gives her a green saree as a gift. Pramad says its for you Kumud. He says its from my first hard earned salary. He says I wanted to bring gifts for everyone but did not had much money. He says this is last gift, I asked Kalika to bring a good saree for you. He coughs and Kumud takes the saree from him. Saras looks at Kumud holding both the sarees. Kalika apologizes and Yash takes her side. Kalika says Pramad did a lot to you but now you can’t refuse to him. Vidyachatur asks everyone to go to their rooms. Danny tells Saras that I need to talk something important about my life.

Saras talks to Danny about Kusum. Danny says today Kusum also told me that she don’t want to marry Mohan. Danny says Kusum is with me today. He says I love you a lot, please help me. Kusum talks to Kumud and asks Kumud to promise that she will support her. Kumud says yes, I will, tell me whats the matter. Kusum says I don’t want to marry Mohan. Kumud is shocked. Kumud says what but why. Danny says I don’t know when I fell in love with Kusum, and even Kusum is…. Saras says you tell me what to do now. Kusum tells Kumud that she loves someone else. She says I tried to keep it to myself but I can’t. I can’t marry anyone else. Kumud asks who is he, whom do you love. Kusum says no, I don’t want to marry Mohan. Kumud says its not a crime to love anyone, tell me who is he. Guniyal comes there and stops Kusum from uttering another work. Guniyal says Kusum, come with me. Kumud says we are talking something important.

Guniyal says everyone are waiting and takes Kusum. Kumud says how could I not know about Kusum loving someone. Saras talks to Danny and says look, think and tell me. Do you really love Kusum. Danny says I m sure about her. Saras says how can I tell this to them, look Danny, it would have been a good news if you told this earlier. Kalika comes and says I was looking out for both of you, it looks like you were talking something important. She says I came to call both of you. Saras says we know when to come there, you don’t need to come here. Kalika says Danny, you come soon, you know Kusum needs you. She smiles and leaves. Saras says she also knows this. Danny says yes she knows. Saras says whats all this. He says if Kusum does not want to marry Mohan, then she won’t, you don’t worry.

Kusum sits for the haldi ceremony and everyone looks at her. Guniyal expects Kusum to be patient. Saras and Kumud talks and Saras says Kusum loves Danny. Kumud is shocked. Kumud goes to apply haldi to Kusum. Pannaben asks Kumud to apply haldi with Pramad, as its good.

Guniyal slaps Kusum scolding her. Kumud comes there and sees that. Guniyal is shocked.

Veera - 28th November 2013 Written Update

Veera - 28th November 2013 Written Update
The episode starts from Veera’s roommate hand over dress and other important things to veera and says, i am very excited to meet with your veerji. dont you meet your veerji with karan. Veera says, i want karan and veerji could make good friend. veera says to one of his friend, dont dare to flurt with my veerji, otherwise i will 1111 you. Ranveer waiting in queue in bathroom. Karan abuses ranveer and enters into bathroom.

Veera see the wounds of ranveer, she is worried and says to come with her into medical room for 1111111111. she gives first aid to ranveer. Ranveer says, come on we are getting late.
In to convocation room, anchor declares the name of passing student. veera says to karan, go and please check my veerji, whether he is ready or not….anchor declares the awarrd for veera for the best innovative student of the college. Everybody claps for veera but she search her veerji..Ranveer enters into premises.. veera says, sorry sir but i cant take this award from you, you come here only to give award but i want to take this award from my mother.
veera says to ranveer, please come and give me award, if you will not come then i will not going to take this award. veera represent the audience, that i know you all get twinging but my veerji is my precious mothe. Anchor also appreciate to Veera and welcomes to stage and give two words on Veera. ranveer shy and says she is diamond and very intelligent. she works very hard and she is the only one who had passed her b.a exam. she is very precious for our village.
Ranveer gives award to veera and everybody claps for him. veera introduces ranveer to her friends. ranveer got embarassed. watchman come and give his lamb. everybody clicks photo with everyone.

Veera ask to ranveer, where is my fanni and got very happy. veers’s friend appreciate to ranveer for veera. veera’s friend do leg pulling on karan’s name. Karan refused to meet with ranveer.

Precap;- everybody excited on veera’s coming to village and ratan parjai take puja ki thali but when she see veera, her thali was fallen down…

Qubool Hai - 28th November 2013 Written Update

 Qubool Hai - 28th November 2013 Written Update
Scene 1:
Location: Ayan’s residence
Ayan is stunned to see dilshad walk inside the house. All others are shocked too. dilshad is tensed herself. She is at a loss of words. She asks ayan where is he going. Ayan asks her not to think that he’s leaving for her, but he’s leaving for his father and leaves from there. humaira goes berserk and breaks herself free from razia, and runs after him. rashid too calls out to her. shirin and dilshad look back at rashid. As they turn away, rashid starts feeling dizzy. As Rashid gets a heart attack, while shirin and dilshad confront each other at the door, razia cals out to shirin. Both shirin and dilshad are shocked to see rashid’s condition, and they rush to him, while the family eyes dilshad tensedly. Dilshad retreats her hand, as shirin reaches out to him and caresses him.

later, rashid is helped inside the room by dilshad and shirin, where shirn asks her if she can take it further from here. dilshad is hurt and takes off her hand, but as they move forward, rashid takes dilshad’s hand, much to shirirn’s displeasure. As rashid lies down, both the ladies reach out at the blanket to lay on him, and are awkwardly facing each other. Finally they both take their hand away. Shirin sits by rashid’s side, and tells him to go to sleep. dilshad stands by the bedside. rashid asks if ayan came home. shirin says that he didnt, and would come back just like he came back in childhood. unable to control her sadness, shirin leaves the room, and breaks into crying. Dilshad is tensed, she comes outside to face shirin, and asks her not to worry, as everything would be fine, and ayan would return. shirin asks her not to pretend as this is what she wanted all along, that her house be broken. as dilshad tries to protest, shirn says that she doesnt want to create a scene, especially when rashid is sick, and wants dilshad by his side, but she shouldnt presume that they have some relation, as they already have one, that of hatred. Dilshad is surprised. She says that she understands her emotions, and even though they cant be friends, atleast they can try to understand each other. Shirin says that she understands that she never wanted to leave rashid, and cunningly got her way back in his life. She says that asad left her, she felt alone, and her kids are alone, and she had to take her revenge and finally she fulfilled it. Dilshad is distraught, while shiirn goes on a sad banter. she says that now her eyes are on rashid’s bed. Dilshad reprimands her. Rashid too comes out and calls for her. shirin rushes to him, while dilshad steps aside, tensedly.

Dilshad enters and eyes her room, and sits resignedly. she gets zoya’s call, and wiping her tears and composing herself, she takes it. Zoya asks how is she and if everyone is behaving properly. Dilshad lies that they are behaving nicely, and everyone is concerned for rashid’s health. Zoya asks if shirin said anything. Dilshad remembers shirin’s words, and lies that she didnt say anything. zoya says that she cant lie as she doesnt know how to. Zoya is shocked when dilshad says that she is tensed, that ayan went from the house. She says that its isnt much to be tensed about, as ayan leeaves the home in anger, but then comes around and returns home. Zoya assures that it indeed is like that, and they would bring him back if needed. Dilshad asks if asad came back. zoya says that he hasnt and she’s alone, and he would come anytime now. Dilshad asks her to take care and cancels the call. Zoya wonders that she would be able to make asad understand all this or not.

Humaira remembers ayan leaving the house, and is distraught and turned to stone hesrelf. Razia comes and finds her like that. Nuzrat tells razia that she is like this sicne morning and asks her to go and talk to humaira.Razia comes and sits by her side. Razia tells her that ayan would return, and reminds her of the instances earlier, when he left and then came back. humaira tels her that this time, he wont come back. Razia asks if she didnt feel bad that ayan left her. Humaira says that it doesnt matter, as she waited long enough, and that she doesnt care for him, as he doesnt care for her at all, as he didnt even cast a last glance at her, and hence now she neither cares for him or for anyone else. Razia is shocked to hear this. Razia says that life isnt about one person, and its okay that she’s angry at ayan and has turned herself to stone, but she shouldnt behave like this for anyone else in the family. Humaira says that she has turned to stone, as all emotions and feelings of hers, went away with him only. Razia is disturbed to see her like this.

Scene 2:
Location: Haseena’s residence
Savita aunty comes to Haseena’s residence, to invite farhan and nikhat, and the rest of the family, to the wedding of Ankita. They congratulate her while she tells the details. She sternly reminds them to come. they comply.

Nazma excitedly comes and tells nikhat, that they are free on sunday, as haseena isnt at home, and promotes for Zee Rishtey Awards. They decide to watch it together.

Scene 3:
Location: Ayan’s residence
As razia is walking through the corridor, she finds badi bi, burqa clad, leaving her room and wonders what was she doing in her room. she goes and rummages through her things kept in her room. She takes off the dupatta, lying on a pillow from the bed, and finds a beheaded and blood clad doll from underneath it, and is scared out of her wits. She is shocked and deduces that badi bi is behind all this trap and game plan. she says that she thought that this couldnt be badi bi, but she proved her wrong. She is in a rage at her, and composing herself, is determined to have her get a piece of her mind. she walks out, and finds her walking through the opposite corridor. she hastily follows her, and badi bi steps down the stairs, and wonders why is she going out at this point of time and wants to find out. before she can follow, she gets a phone call, that warns her that now only her sleep is being deprived off, very soon, she would be ruined. She walks otu trying to trace the caller, and finds a hooded fellow behind the wall, while she pursues conversation with the lady. She confronts the person, and tells her that what did that person think, that she would continuously harass her, and razia wouldnt know anything, assuming it to be badi bi. However she is shocked, as she finds that badi bi is calling out to her, from behind. She turns around to face badi bi, while being be wildered as to who the other person is then. The screen freezes on her tensed face.

Precap: Someone comes in humaira’s room and sleeps by her side. she thinks that its nuzrat and tells her to go to sleep. as she senses something unusual about her hair, she wakes up with a startling scream. She is thoroughly tensed, as the person lights up the lighter and reveals his face in its light.

Jodha Akbar 28th November 2013 Written Episode

Jodha Akbar 28th November 2013 Written Update
Scene 1
In hall, everyone are waiting for jalal to start celebration, he comes in, all gets up, he is dressed in unique shiny yellow dress. Ruks is happy, hamida says to ruks that your gift is amazing, jalal comes to ruks and says no doubt this dress is amazing as it has gold work which will protect me in war and i will shine as a king, he says in court that i always say that ruks has amazing sense and her gift is great. Adka says common people want to see you, jalal comes in balcony along with other mughals and jodha, people say that you did great by ordering to dig well, we are greatful to you as now we will get water, may god bless you. They chants jalal’s name, hamida ask what you did today? He says nothing i just ordered to dig well, hamida says its not small for thing for them, jalal thinks of jodha’s words that you will get your gift, hamida says for a king, people’s blessing is everything, maybe he it will not protect you like gold cloth in war but their prayers will keep you save in battle field, i am happy that your both wives gave great gift, one increased your honor by gold cloth and other increased respect as a king, jalal thanks jodha silently.

Scene 2
jalal comes in hall and announces that i was wrong ruks gift was not better then jodha, all are shocked, he says she gifted me people’s blessing which will be with me always. Servant brings that ordinary suit gifted by jodha, jalal says jodha made me realize what it is like for a common man to wear these clothes, she made me show their problem, which is must for a king, today i know that king is not known by his cloth but by his respect in comman man, he ask jodha to come and sit with me to increase respect of this ordinary cloth, jodha is super happy and gets up to sit beside jalal.

Scene 3
ruks is in rage and breaks mirror of her room, she is uncontrollable, hoshiyar ask her to calm down as jodha has no brain. Ruks says i know there is nothing between her and jalal but she is very much clever and played a game which paid off well. ruks is very angry and says she(jodha) did competition with me, i know she is nothing in front of me but i will make her suffer much that she will not be able to stand in front me.

Outside jalal is thoughts. In her room jodha sees bansuri and feather of peacock and thinks how she said its best gift ever. She puts both on kahna and prays.

Outside jalal remember his encounter with jodha like gangaur, jail etc when he first gone to amer and then the gift of jodha that is his people chanting his name. Soul talk- jalal’s soul says you changed my life that day mariam zamani, you waked me up from sleep that day, ruks gift was eye catching but you made me realize that for a king clothes are not important but his respect in people, you did magic in that one moment, jodha says one moment is enough for life, jalal says i kept thinking about you and couldnt control myself, i wanted to talk with you so came in your knowing you may not like me coming in late hours- soul talk ends.

Jalal comes in jodha’s room, she ask you here at this hour? Jalal says i couldnt stop myself till morning, he says i want to thank you so much, your thoughts are great, he says i also thought i have everything but you proved me wrong. Jalal says when i gifted you that bansuri and feather i thought no gift can be better then it but you today made me realized the responsibility of a king, its not just to win battle but to feel pain your people, to care for them, jodha says i didnt do anything you ordered for that well but i waked the human inside you and today i got to know that you are a liar, you said you dont have heart but you felt their pain, jalal thanks her for waking him up and prays to god looking at kahna, jodha ask what you prayed? He says i prayed that i will get gifts like this in my life every year from you. He leaves. Jodha’s soul says that day i was happy as you indirectly asked me to be with you for whole life.

Scene 4
Moti gives some kadha to drink to jodha, she tells about Jalal’s visit and she teases her.Rahim comes and Tasneem comes looking out for him, Jodha tells Tasneem about Rahim’s hideout, Jodha gives some meva to Tasneem.

Scene 5
Ruks accuses Jalal that he is getting swayed towards Jodha, but Jalal goes romantic and Ruks smiles, Jalal tells that i find that Jodha is also like a good friend, Ruks asks if she will take her place, he gives her a roundabout answer and leaves.

Precap- Adham is misbehaving with Tasneem and Jodha sees it and gets angry.

Wednesday 27 November 2013

Jodha Akbar 27th November 2013 Written Update

 Jodha Akbar 27th November 2013 Written Update
Scene 1
Jodha is doing puja of tulsi when jalal comes and takes aarti before jodha can ask. She is impressed, moti wishes him and leaves. jalal says to jodha that you will not wish me? Jodha wishes him. Jalal ask tell me the next clue, jodha ask what clue? Jalal thinks is she joking with me? Jodha says my puja is incomplete, can i finish. He nods. Jodha says gayatri mantra, jalal ask the meaning, she says raja chandragupt, mango and gayatri manrta are great, jalal says 1st is not right, jodha says why not, jalal says i am not interested in fighting today, jalal ask for clue, jodha says i dont know really, jalal thinks she is playing with me, jodha ask what are you thinking, he says everyone gifted, where is your gift. Jodha says i thought a lot but you are a big king and have everything, jalal says even if i have everything cant i wish for gift from you, i thought you will gift some unique thing, you broke my wish, jodha says if thats the case then i will gift, she ask him to come inside. she gives him an ordinary clothes and asks him to go to Agra bazaar, he is puzzled but then he wears it, comes and sees Jodha in simple dress and both get ready to go to the bazaar.
Ruks is wondering if Jalal got her gift and his whereabouts.

Scene 2
Adham sees tanim(young girl that he is eyeing) in her house and comes to that girl’s house, she welcomes him. They say they nothing to give him, adham says you have much to give me, he ask her mother that you are shahi servant then why you are poor? Girl’s mother(shahi servant) says that my husband is addicted to drinking, he takes all my money. Adham goes to see husband and thinks that he is addicted and i will take advantage of it, he says to drunk man that i like drinking also so come sometime we will drink together, man says i am nothing in front of you, adham says i want to take your family to malwa , i will appoint your husband there, they thanks adham, adham says do come in jalal’s bday celebration and bring tasnim( young girl of servant), he gives them some money and leaves, tasnim praises him.

Scene 3
Jalal and jodha are walking in village in ordinary clothes, they see all are happy bcoz of jalal’s bday, he says to jodha that look people celebrate my bday, if i wouldnt be wearing these normal clothes they would have recognized me, jodha says wrong if you had you sword and turban, they would have recognized you, jalal ask the meaning. Jodha says they are afraid of your sword, jalal says so they should as i am a king, some man recognize jalal, jalal says to jodha look they recognized me without sword, jodha still believes that they are afraid of him. They move forward and see some men praying, jalal says lets go i am thirsty, jodha says 1st listen to them they are more thirsty,Jalal asks them about their worry and they tell him about the water. He announces that a well will be dug up the very day and they will not have any issues in putting forth their queries in open court hence. jodha is happy.
Jalal asks Jodha about the gift but she says that he will get it soon

Scene 4
Ruks is thinking that why jalal didnt come to me yet and where is rahim, some servant gossips that rahim is very naughty, he make us running all the time, hoshiyar says he is just a child, search him. Ruks sees dates lying on ground and thinks rahim like it very much, she finds rahim and ask whether he told jalal about clue, rahim doesnt remember so ruks says i will complain to salima that you didnt do my work, he says it was our talk so why include salima and says i told jalal about tulsi.. Ruks ask tulsi or neem? Rahim corrects it saying neem, ruks thinks then why jalal didnt come yet, rahim offers her dates, she denies having it.

Scene 5
Jalal comes back to palace, adka wishes him and ask why are you wearing these clothes, jalal says i also dont know, only jodha knows it, he ask adka why are you tensed, adka says you were missing so i was tensed, jalal says you are experienced and you know wives like to make husbands keep walking behind them, adka smiles, he ask adka to make well in village, adka agrees and goes, jalal looks at jodha, she ask what? He says i cant understand women, he ask for gift, jodha says wait for some more time, 1st you should find ruks gift, he leaves, jodha keep smiling looking at him.

Scene 6
In night, jalal is walking in palace, all gossips why jalal is wearing these clothes, rahim comes and ask why wearing such clothes? Jalal says to give respect to jodha’s gift, rahim ask whether you have gone to neem plant? Jalal says you said tulsi plant, rahim says you heard it wrong and i had to bear the wrath of ruks, now go there, jalal says ok, jalal comes to neem tree and sees arrow towards a room, he opens it when bright yellow light comes out, he says that subhanallah this gift is really to be appreciated.

Precap- Ruks is very angry and says she(jodha) did competition with me, i know she is nothing in front of me but i will make her suffer much that she will not be able to stand in front me.

Saturday 23 November 2013

Jodha Akbar 25th November 2013 Spoiler

Adham khan expresses hi desire to marry a 14yrs old girl Tasneem who is a servant's daughter in an open forum.Jodha openly objects this and speaks to Jalal about the issue bt isnt immediately able to refrain Adham from doing so.Will Jodha be able to Stop Adham Khan??
Credit: IF Member

Friday 22 November 2013

Jodha Akbar 22nd November 2013 Written Update

 Jodha Akbar 22nd November 2013 Written Update
Scene 1
Jalal’'s entry was being announced into the diwaan E-khaas, Jalal was very sad as he looks at baksi bano, Hamida says that she knew this was the worst moment in Jalal’s life, He had to punish the sister he adored all his life Jalal then declares what Gaksi had done, how she had poisoned Jodha for producing symptoms of pregnancy and that Jodha was not pregnant and the sultanat is not expecting their heir yet all have to wait for that day. Today i am here for punishing baksi bano and says that i dont not want to be lenient and send wrong signal to the kingdom Since the defaulter is his sister. He tells Jodha to order the punishment. Hamida cries that the brother in jalal could not over rule the shehenshah in him so he had asked jodha, baksi are brought centre court, Jodha is surprised . She says that this is very difficult position for her,Jodha gives a long lacture about right wrong . Preachings by parents . By religions .. Jodha orders bakshi to remain very close to jodha always all her life and That she has forgiven bakshi bano, She then says that the court must be wondering what decision was this, Jodha explains that her guilt would remind her all her life about the pain she had caused her brother n his wife, Jalal gives his approval to jodha’s order Being the shehenshah .. He accepts Jodha’s decision But says that being the brother of Bakshi i declare that i had broken all ties with her .. She is no more his sister, Jodha laments why did Jalal take such a harsh decision, This was worse even than death penalty and that she never wanted Bakshi n Jalal to be seperated.
Scene 2
Moti comes to jodha’s room and says every one was talking how great is Jodha .. How kind she is ..
Moti is very happy, jodha thanks kanha. Jalal comes to jodha’s room and asks her why did she forgive bakshi? Jodha replies that every fault should not be punished, She had done it for love, It was something that me myself could never do and The actual fault was with her husband sharufuddin, He is the real culprit as he took undue advantage of his wife’s love But bakshi is suffering, She has been separated from her brother .. And her husband too is nowhere to be seen. she is all alone
Scene 3
In hamida’'s room she has called the important ladies /residents of harem. Hamida tells every one not to talk of what ever happened in the diwan e khaas and Not a word should leak out of the harem, Maham is given responsibility of stopping the rumours .from spreading. Maham is skeptical and Tries to argue that people would ask queries If informed about Jodha not giving them heir but jalal comes and argues that he would use all his power to stop all rumours from spreading, he says How Jodha was made to suffer at the hands of conspiracy creators … How jodha affected by this plan bani, he says people have the rights to know every thing about their shehenshah, Maham is against it but jalal argues But Maham is still worried.
Scene 4
Jalal speaks to the citizens of the country, He speaks forcefully explaining to the people of Hindustaan
that he is not going to be a father, That they have to wait further. He then alerts his enemies, He speaks emotionally About how his people is his child And every citizen is his child .he says that entire nation appears before him at the slightest order from their shehenshah then they are like his children, he says that he is proud of having such loving children he did not miss his children he has many
Precap- Jodha is asking Ruks whether she loved Jalal as her friend or as her husband, Would she love him even if he is no more shehenshah Or did she love him only because he is shehenshah, Ruks is infuriated. She retorts that Jodha have no rights to know why she loved Jalal since when she loved him and For what reason she loved him and how much As she is not going to tell her. It is her personal matter Jodha is disappointed.

Jodha Akbar 22nd November 2013 Video Episode

Jodha Akbar 22nd November 2013 Video Episode
World Of Television Link
Jodha Akbar 22nd November 2013 – Part 01
Jodha Akbar 22nd November 2013 – Part 02

Thursday 21 November 2013

Jodha Akbar 21st November Written Episode

Jodha Akbar 21st November Written Episode

Scene 1
Bakshi cries and says to jodha that spare me, i never wanted to do it, I was being forced, Jodha sternly ask her to go, she leaves,J odha sits sadly. Jodha thinks i did a big mistake, how she had cursed Jalal who is innocent with such bitter, she regrets and in tears, jodha remember her cruel words that you cant disgrace me, i hate you and you made relation with me without my permission. Ruks is in bath tub and says i cant believe that sharif is behind all this, she ask hoshiyar whether news is right otherwise i… He says news is correct, ruks says then matter is serious, doc is being killed and jalal’s brother in law was behind it and we didnt know about it, she happily says that means jalal and jodha didnt have relation and said so many things to jalal, how could i think that i can lost jalal to jodha. Hoshiyar says they have relation that of a trust, he had trust on jodha, even lied to you and hamida, you believe or not he has started liking jodha, ruks ask him to shut up and says now i will not come in talks and will listen to my heart only, ruks says to hoshyar that jalal is only mine and nobody can snatch him from me,, i will seek forgiveness from jalal right now.
Scene 2
Resham ask Maham what punishment Jalal will give to Bakshi, Maham says dont know she is his sister, there must be confusion in Jalal’s mind, Jalal comes to Maham all broken, Maham makes him sit, jalal cries and says bakshi used to come to me in sadness but why she brought tears my eyes, why my own do this things with me, 1st Abul Mali, then Sharif and my sister, Maham says there is no friend of a king, Jalal ask then why do they pretend to be my own, he says i cant take my sword out to punish as she is my sister, i dont know what to do. Maham consoles him.
Scene 3
Bakshi is crying in her room when hamida comes and gives tight slaps to bakshi, Gulbadan tries to stop Hameeda , she says what kind of daughter is she ? how can you Bakshi , is this what i taught you, you cant be my daughter, daughters are like jodha, Bakshi beg for apology..Hameeda says She won’t till Jalal decide your punishment.
Scene 4jodha comes to salima and says you have become big in my eyes, what you did for me i would have done as older sister for sukanya, she thanks salima and says you are mature, salima says you are loyal, i knew your loyalty thats why trusted you and i am glad that jalal made the right decision, he trusts you, jodha says i took him wrong, salima says take care next time, he is your husband and i believe that you know how to behave with your husband, she ask her to do whats in heart, not to think much, jodha hugs her and goes out.
Scene 5
jalal is in his room when jodha comes and tries to say but jalal says i know you faced disgrace bcoz of my sister but i am repented for that, jodha says i must say sorry for my mistake, i said cruel words, hated you more i am sorry but i dont understand who are you, jalal says i am the one whose innocence was snatch at age of 12, i have no heart, i can get what i want but today i trust a women, i trust her honor, character, jodha ask why? Jalal says dont know but maybe i can see purity in your eyes i only know that i trust you, jodha says i said bitter words but you were protecting me and were finding culprit, you bore my words, jalal says no need ask anyone would have behaved like you but let me clear what i did was not bcoz i love you no i dont but i did that for i wanted that he should be caught who had done this cheap joke with my wife. Jodha smiles and says i cant thank you enough you have a lot for me.
Scene 6
bakshi is not eating anything jodha comes and ask why you did that when you are not bad, why you didnt tell jalal about sharif before, bakshi says bcoz of love for sharif,i cant think of losing him jodha says i cant understand how can man stoop so low in love without thinking of right and wrong.
Scene 7
salima ask jodha how come you here, jodha says i dont understand how can bakshi not think of right or wrong in love for her husband sharif, salima says love is like this, when there is love on one side and truth on other then person chooses love and take wrong routes.
jalal says while doing justice you cant see relation, to not mix justice with relation i had given you opportunity to decide about bakshi’s punishment, jodha says she is my sister in law also and i have forgiven her then why are you not forgiving her? she ask him to forgive her.

Jodha Akbar VM - Ishq Hai Woh/Voh Ehsaas

Hope you like this song please leave a comment

Download Link: Click here

Ishq hai woh ehsaas,ishq hai woh jasbaat ...
Ishq hai woh ehsaas ishq hai woh Jasbaat...
Badal de yeh duniya Badal de yeh haalaat..!

TRP- TAM Ratings - Week 46

Here is your all TRP rating list for week 46
1 Diya Aur Baati 5.9 
2 Jodha Akbar 4.8 
3 Tarak Mehta 4.15 
4 Pyaar Ka Dard 4.14 
5 Saathiya 4.11 
6 Yeh Rishta Kya Kehlata Hai 3.9 
7 Balika Vadhu 3.8 
8 Sasural Simar Ka 3.2
9 Mahabharat 3.09
10 Sapne Suhane Ladakpan Ke 3.06 
11 Qubool Hai 3.0
12 Do Dil Bandhe Ek Dori Se 2.9
13 Bigg Boss 7: 2.8
14 Pavitra Rishta 2.6
15 SaraswatiChandra 2.5
16 Madhubala 2.38
17 Veera 2.37
18 Bani 2.2
19 Uttaran 2.1
20 Mahadev 1.96
21 Meri Bhabi 1.93
21 Ek Mutthi Asman 1.93
22 Ek Ghar Banaunga 1.91
23 Punar Vivaah 2: 1.8
24 Chidiya Ghar 1.7
25 Ek Boond Ishq 1.6
26 Gustakh Dil 1.56
27 Maharana Pratap 1.55
28 Savdhan India 1.51
29 Iss Pyar ko Kya Nam dun(Season 2): 1.34
30 Aankh Micholi 1.30
31 Sanskar 1.11
32 Tumhari Pakhi 1.10
33 Jeanie Aur Juju 1.06
33 Bade Ache Lagte hai 1.06
34 Lapataganj 1.05
35 FIR 0.91
35 Kaisa Ye Ishq Hai 0.91
36 Jee Le Zara 0.8
37 Do Dil Ek Jan 0.78
38 Jo Biwi Se Kare Pyar 0.76
39 Nandini 0.45
40 Kitchen Khiladi 0.41
41 Amita Ka Amit 0.3

Wednesday 20 November 2013

Zee Rishtey Awards 2013 Promo - 1st December Coming Soon

2nd December

Hope you like this and please give us the credit while sharing it with anyone
Stay tuned to our site for each Jodi's Promo.

Jodha Akbar 20th October 2013 Written Episode

 Jodha Akbar 20th October 2013 Written Episode
Scene 1
Jalal and jodha comes to the venue, all greets them, they sit together, priest prays that may your life be filled with happiness, one women comes and says that we thought you both will have no relation but now love has come infront of all, hoshiyar ask ruks whether she is hurt? She says i dont know whether its sadness or happiness, i am sad that i couldnt be mother but happy that jalal is going to be father, jalal, salima and adka keep an eye on every lady and tries to find women wearing green bangle, hamida and all ladies comes to jalal and jodha and gifts jodha, ruks comes forward and says its ritual that i give you kesar milk, ruks is about to taste it but jodha stops her and says i have full believe in you, you dont need to do this, jodha drinks the milk, ruks this what people say about is true or what i see in you, jalal looks at ruks bangle as well. Priest ask jalal jodha to come beneath this sheet and ask ruks to hold one end of the sheet, they stand beneath it, ruks holds one end and seems very hurt, jalal notices it.
Scene 2
ruks is crying outside the venue, jalal comes, she says i always wanted to give you your 1st child but i am so happy that you are going to be father, she says go inside, today you are more needed there.
Scene 3
salima gifts jodha, jalal comes inside venue again, salima thinks that not as a king but what jalal is doing as human is very difficult to do, 1st seeing your dream crashed and even then fulfilling his responsibility, this makes him different from other, jalal thinks i have to find that person who tried to disgrace jodha, salima thinks if that person belongs to this palace then she must be here. Salima notices a lady with green bangle(kada) bringing drinks for the royal couple, Jalal notices too, jalal ask other servant to bring that servant to him, jodha start accusing him that what you want, you get, she is just a servant and you are a king, jalal says i really have work with her, jodha says same work which you had with me, jalal leaves.
Scene 4
jalal ask that servant where is green thread, servant says it is not in my hand, jalal says to tell truth otherwise she will be behead, servant says these bangles are not mine, bakshi bano had gifted me these bangles, jalal is shocked and orders to bring bakshi, she comes, sharif sees her going and is tensed that what could be the reason behind jalal calling, inside room bakshi ask jalal why you called me here? Jalal emotionally looks at her, he kisses her forehead and very gently ask that you made jodha drink that meds, bakshi start crying, he says i am sad that culprit is that person whom if angles points out i wouldnt believe them, he says if had a heart it would have broken today, he says you knew that i had no relation with her, you wanted me to kill her or send back to amer, because of you i had to bear her hatred, he shouts how to tell her that she is not pregnant, how to tell her that it is my sister who did this with her, i never trusted my shadow but i trusted jodha, why you did that with jodha just because she is a hindu begum or any other reason, you did that with jodha i understand but how can you kill innocent doc, He would have ordered death sentencs for any one else .. Baxi is in tears …
Baxi says she did not murder hakima .. And she was forced to do everything by her Shohar Sub Sharifuddin Sahab
Jala wants to k ow why did sharifu want to do this
Baxi then narrates his plan .. He had given her the ark and asked her to follow his words he would give her talaq .. If she did not follow his orders with out asking any Qs .. The. Resham gave her the drink first time during janam din jashn ..
Then how bottle broke .. How she stole the bottle from her .. How she told sharufuddin how the bottle broke .. How she was sent again .. Then she tries to reason with her shohar .. But he was furious with her .. He called his soldiers and ordered to kill hakima sahiba ..
Baxi says she was ignorant of his plans
Jalal says aankh ke badley aankh .. Jaan ke badle jaan
Jala caresses baxi’s head and says her punishment would be decided later on …
Baxi then pleads jalal not to make his sister a widow .. Whom he had made into a dulhan with his own hands
Then commander comes to inform that sahrif has gone out of the fort with some horse riders with out permission .. With out informing any one ..
Jala tells baxi that he could have followed him and killed him
Scene 5
jodha is thinking that he dont respect either a queen or a servant, i hate him but seeing this side of his my hatred seems to be less, jalal comes in jodha’s room and throws bakshi bano, jodha holds her and ask jalal she your sister how can you this with her, jalal says that you are not going to be mother, jodha ask what? He says bakshi will better explain her story, bakshi says i am sorry, you are not pregnant, i wanted to disgrace you, jodha looks at jalal, bakshi tell her everything, jalal gives a look to jodha and leaves. Jodha is tensed.
Precap- ruks says to hoshyar that jalal is only mine and nobody can snatch him from me, jodha thinks i did a big mistake, i doubted jalal who is innocent.
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